GHA Fleetlist

During its period of operation by the family, the firm and the subsidiary companies there were 686 buses and coaches recorded. The vehicles listed include all those that were operated and also those that were on loan for such things as a demonstration or on trial together with buses and coaches that were purchased for spares and never used.

The list of vehicles below is set out twice. The first list is in chronological order in the order of the dates that the vehicles joined the firm and the second list is in alphabetical order by registration number.

As there is too much detail relating to each vehicle to be placed in a simple table - there is a link for each vehicle (all in the series GHAnnn. Clicking the link will open a pdf document to show the history of the vehicle before joining GHA, some comments on its service with the firm and then details of what happened to the vehicle after it left GHA. This additional information will also show chassis and body numbers. Included in this additional information are the fleet numbers that may have been allocated but it must be remembered that whilst some vehicles displayed fleet numbers they were not really used by the firm.

The last column is a link to any photographs that can be found on 'Flickr'. 'PHOTOS' in capital letters indicates there are pictures of the vehicle to be found whilst with GHA. Unfortunately these links may not always always work as there is a dependence on 3rd parties outside the control of this website and of course the photos that will be found are NOT necessarily that of the webmaster.

The lists below are exceedingly long - 686 entries. To see the whole list it will be necessary to scroll down. Using a narrow screen it may also be necessary to scroll across to the 'Link for Photo' column.

Fleet - by Date In

GHA by date in

Fleet - by Registration Number

GHA by registration number