D C Jones & Sons


Photo Courtesy of John Law


The business of D C Jones and Sons was started in 1927 by Albert Norman Jones. However because of Norman's young age the firm had to be in the name of his father David Charles Jones. Norman's first vehicle was a lorry that conveyed miners. The business eventually built up to 4 vehicles being used.

During the war Norman took on a contract operating a stage carriage service for Crosville to the local industrial estate. After the war the business was predominately tours, excursions and private hire.

In the mid 1970s the business was transferred to Norman's son Donald who obtained a portfolio of school contract work and UK and European tours. The business ceased in December 1981 and was sold to Vale of Llangollen Travel.


The table below gives a list of all recorded vehicles known to have been with this operator. I am indebted to David Donati for his dedicated work in compiling this data and enabling me to present it.

In the right hand column - where available - there is a link to a photograph of the vehicle. The photo will open in a new window. Links in CAPITAL LETTERS suggest the vehicle is seen when with the operator.

Chassis and body numbers are to be found on the right hand side of the table below. You may need to scroll to see them.

© Ron Hughes and David Donati - any reproduction should give credit to the originator and may require permission.

D C Jones